Statutory & Legal audits

Audit Domains

At IINVTY, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and quality. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you optimize your audit process and achieve your goal. At IINVTY, we understand that a comprehensive audit process is essential to help you achieve your organizational goals while effectively managing risk. Our Audit Process Methodology is designed to be flexible, efficient, and tailored to your organization’s specific needs, ensuring that you receive actionable recommendations that can help you improve your performance and reduce risk. We offer legal audits with ease. Also, we provide services in various sectors such as Safety Audit, Ergonomics Audits, ISO Audit, ESG, and BRSR.


IINVTY Audit Methodologies

Our methodology follows a step-by-step process, which includes:

1. Data Analysis

By measuring and evaluating the information submitted by the customer, IINVTY can identify areas where the customer is performing well and where improvements can be made.

2. Data Engineering

Mapping the evaluated information with the requirements and preparing the Gap Analysis report-1 helps in identifying the gaps between current practices and the requirements, which can be used to create an action plan for improvement.

3. Audit Team

Having a specialized audit team ensures that the audit is conducted by experts who are knowledgeable in the specific area being audited, ensuring the audit is thorough and comprehensive.

4. Audit Process

Conducting a desktop audit before visiting the customer helps to ensure that the audit team is fully prepared for the onsite audit, making the audit process more efficient.

5. Support

Conducting the onsite audit based on the requirements and preparing the Gap Analysis Report -2 helps to identify areas of improvement and provides an opportunity to provide recommendations to the customer.

6. Expert Commitee

 Reviewing the Gap Analysis Report -1 and Gap Analysis Report -2 helps to ensure that the audit findings are accurate and comprehensive, and that the recommendations are practical and feasible.

7. Customer Approval

Getting customer approval on the draft audit report ensures that the customer is fully informed about the audit findings and agrees with the recommendations.

8. Final Draft

Creating the final draft audit report with suggested corrections ensures that the report is accurate, comprehensive, and provides practical recommendations for improvement.

9. Quality Checking

Releasing the final draft ensures that the audit report is finalized and can be used as a roadmap for improvement.

10. Action Plan

  1. Monitoring the suggested action plans and ensuring they are completed helps to ensure that the audit findings are acted upon, leading to improved quality and safety practices.


For a AUDIT Enquiry

IINVTY Audit Wing Uniqueness

The IINVTY Audit Wing is constantly innovating to provide cutting-edge solutions to its clients. The following are some of the recent inventions:

Overall, the IINVTY Audit Wing is dedicated to staying at the forefront of audit technology and providing its clients with the most advanced and effective solutions available.

Success Stories

Legal-Audits-Success -Stories